Custom Flies

Custom Flies have been Brita and my bread and butter for years.  Brita (on Instagram as Seafly907) has been an artist with a feather since she was a kid and I do alright at the vise as well! Working in fly shops for most of our adult lives we developed relationships with clients and vendors to make a small living selling flies.

Custom Flies

Shrimp Daddy

This fall we had a pretty big back up in our home fluff factory. Our downstairs flooded, and we got a bit backed up keeping up with orders.  So if you were one of those folks I want you to know that we are back in business!  (If you are a carpenter or flooring person, we will trade trips and flies!)  I finished about 6 orders last night and we are taking more as they come!

Order Up

Custom flies make great gifts, and make you feel great when you open your fly box!  One you are supporting a local fly artist which is always a great feeling.  Two you know the fly you are throwing is up to your specifications, and/or your tiers professional opinion. The last thing is, you know in all likelihood, it’s a one of a kind!  Your PHD local fish have not seen this trick before!

One of our most successful blog post ever was our Match The Hatch blog, and the photos from it are a great example of why custom flies make such great sense. Shoot us an email with your ideas, or ask for our opinions on we think about certain fisheries and bait fish imitations.  With years of experience and 100’s of dozens of flies out the door we will make sure you are well taken care of!

custom Flies

Brita’s Match The Hatch Squid

Custom Flies

Electric Shrimp Jr

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